I’ve been thinking a lot about what goes into managing time, and I’ve come to a realization. Managing our time with planners and lists is only part of the story. Managing our energy has a huge impact on our productivity. Think about it: If you have lots of time but no energy, it’s difficult to get much done. If you have less time, but lots of energy, you can somehow fit it in a lot. So let’s talk about some ways to manage our energy effectively.
This tip is easy and fun! Turn on your favorite music and feel the immediate boost.
Take care of your physical needs
Get Sleep: Sleep is severely underrated. Obviously, anyone with children doesn’t always have control over whether or not they sleep through every night, but there’s a lot you can do to set yourself up for success.
Exercise: A small amount of movement can go a long way to lifting our energy levels. Even a bit of stretching is helpful.
Eat Nutritious Food + Hydrate: Food and drink is the fuel that keeps us going.
Take Breaks
A few times throughout the day, take a breather from your work. (This includes housework and errands.) This is the perfect opportunity to do a few stretches and refill your water bottle.
If you work at a computer, it is helpful to look away from your screen every once in a while to give your eyes a break. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Stress Management
Obviously, managing stress is easier said than done, but here are some practical tips:
- Cut down on unnecessary stimulants like news and social media. So many notifications and world changes are constantly demanding our attention, and sometimes I think we don’t even realize how much this takes out of us.
- Let go of your mental load by putting it down on paper. That can mean your to-do list, or anything that’s on your mind.
Energy Zappers
If you have a part of your life that zaps your energy, see if you can find a way to minimize it or change it. Sometimes, small tweaks can bring big results. For example:
- If you have a commute/carpool that drains you, try putting on music or a podcast or lecture to make the drive more enjoyable
- Maybe clothing shopping for your children is the thing that wipes you out. Do you have a sister, niece, or anyone who loves shopping who would be willing to take over for you? Drop them off at the store with a credit card and a budget and let them take care of it.
Maybe these examples don’t apply to you. So what’s the energy zapper in your life? Take a moment to brainstorm some ways to make it just 5% easier.
Putting it into Action
Pick one item from this post to implement into your life. (Tip: pick the one that’s easiest for you.) When you take small steps to manage your energy efficiently, you may find that your time management issues shrink on their own.