We all have those moments when we are juggling all the different parts of our lives, and it feels like we’re on the verge of dropping them all. It’s okay. Repeat after me: This is normal.
Being overwhelmed in one moment doesn’t mean you need to stay that way. Let’s talk about some ways to stay on top of things:
- Let go of something. I see you there, you perfectionist. The pressure to do it all, on time, with excellence, and remain a pleasant human being through it all is extremely overwhelming. Try letting go of one thing.
- Be clear on your priorities. Keeping a clear idea of what’s most important to you right now is going to help you know which tasks come first. Read more about setting priorities in this post.
- Establish routines. This can mean routines for yourself and/or routines for your family. This provides steady, reliable systems to fall back on. Read more about how to set up routines in this post.
- Take care of your health. On days when we are run down or under the weather, we are so much more susceptible to overwhelm. When we are healthy and strong, we have more mental and physical energy to take on the world. So hydrate, eat regular meals, and find a few minutes to exercise.
- Learn when to say no. I know, I know. It’s hard. Saying no doesn’t feel good for many of us. But think of it this way–every time you choose to say no to something, you are really choosing to say yes to everything else that fills your day.
- It’s all right to ask for help. You don’t have to do it alone. That can mean asking for advice and guidance, asking for a mother’s helper, or asking a sibling for a favor.
- Keep a bullet journal. Incorporating a bullet journal into your routine can be a game-changer when it comes to staying organized and managing your tasks effectively. It’s a tool that can help you go from being busy to being mindfully productive.
Let’s Put This into Practice
Get out your bullet journal (or anything to write on) and write down the things that are on your mind. You can include simple things, like eating lunch. Once everything is emptied from your head onto the paper:
- Circle the things that are important (Priorities)
- Cross out the things that are not that important (Let go of something/learn when to say no)
- Put an asterisk next to anything that you can delegate or you need help with (It’s all right to ask for help)
- Underline the things that will help you feel stronger (Take care of your health)
Now take a deep breath. How does that feel?
Remember that you are doing an incredible job, even on the days when it feels like too much. Be kind to yourself, and keep moving forward one step at a time. You’ve got this!