Balancing family gatherings, personal responsibilities, cooking, cleaning, and trying to work on our spiritual growth all at once can be a daunting task. Let’s explore some practical tips to help you navigate this busy period with ease and grace.
Minimize Time Wasters and Energy Sappers
In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get lost in the endless scroll. As Yom Tov draws closer, consider taking a break from the things that eat away at your time or energy – whether it’s news, social media, online shopping or anything else. This can give you back chunks of time and mental energy that you didn’t know were missing. Tip: Use a blocker (like Stay Focused on Chrome) to set time limits on your device.
Cut Corners
When it comes to cooking and cleaning, take shortcuts, use hacks, whatever it takes.
Here are some quick ideas:
- Pre-Made Ingredients: Don’t hesitate to use pre-made or partially prepared ingredients for some dishes. Pre-chopped vegetables, store-bought sauces and the like can save you valuable time. I know it might not be the way your Bubby made it, but save the made-from-scratch dishes for a day when you have more time.
- Delegate Tasks: Share the responsibilities with family members. Not only will this reduce your workload, but it will also allow others to actively participate. Remember to accept help when it’s offered. (Control Freaks, I’m looking at you!)
- Make-Ahead Dishes: Prepare dishes that can be made in advance and stored in the fridge or freezer. This way, you can gradually tackle your cooking tasks in the weeks leading up to the Yom Tov, alleviating last-minute rush.
Batch Activities
Group similar tasks together and tackle them in dedicated time blocks. This helps you stay focused and move more quickly, instead of jumping from task to task and feeling scattered. This might mean designating specific times for shopping and cleaning. When it comes to cooking, you might save one day for soups, one days for deserts, etc.
Make a Plan
To keep everything organized, consider writing out a plan in your bullet journal. Create dedicated Yom Tov spreads where you can outline your tasks, menu plans, guest lists, and more. Putting things down on paper can clear your head, organize what needs to be done, and help you figure out when you want to do it.
Let Go of Comparison
Remember that each family and individual has their own unique circumstances, challenges, and customs. Don’t get caught up in living up to trends or other’s expectations. Turn your attention inward – to the people in your life, to the memories you’re creating. You got this!