Why is it that we get a feeling of relief after getting back onto a typical schedule following vacation? Even though we enjoyed the break, we all appreciate the steadiness and predictability of a routine. When you have a system in place, you don’t have to waste time or mental energy figuring out what you need to do next, because you already have a plan.
Why Do Routines Work?
You may have noticed that if you ever deviate from your usual routine, you suddenly forget steps and everything takes longer. What is it about routines that work?
- They provide structure and organization to your day, and that structure brings more calm and stability into our lives.
- They leave room for downtime. When we have set routines that include time for rest along with accomplishing and productivity, we make sure that we’re not cramping in too much in one day.
- They break big tasks into smaller chunks. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when faced with a lot to do, but when we focus on one step of the routine at a time, we can move forward more easily. (I know I talk about this a lot, but that’s because it really helps!)
- They break big tasks into smaller chunks. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when faced with a lot to do, but when we focus on one step of the routine at a time, we can move forward more easily. (I know I talk about this a lot, but that’s because it really helps!)
Routine Examples
- Bedtime
- Morning
- Meal prep
- Shabbos prep
- Cleaning
- Exercise
- Homework
- Paying bills
- Work
There are many more that you can come up with, depending on your life circumstances. Take a minute to think which area of your life can be systemized into a routine.
Tips on Creating Routines
- As I always say, start small. Choose one area that you think will be the most helpful to you, or one that you will enjoy the most, and implement just a few step of the routine at a time. Focus on that one step for a few weeks, or even a few months. This will go a long way to making the routine stick.
- Make a plan. Write down a list of tasks or habits that make up the routine.
- Think of your routine as a set of guidelines, as opposed to a hard set of rules to be followed to the T. Some days you might have to skip or shorten your usual routine. That’s okay. That’s normal. (If it’s happening very often, that may be a sign that the routine is too strict or complex.)
- Celebrate the wins (even when they don’t look like wins). Give yourself a compliment!
- Adjust and tweak your routines over time. At different stages of life, we have different needs, schedules and tasks. Our routines will reflect that.
How to Create a Routine in your Bullet Journal
First, write the title to reflect whichever area you chose. Beneath that, write the steps of the routine. Again, just a few steps may be all you need to start. And if you are so inclined, decorate the page!
Writing your routine down makes it much more concrete, as well as giving you something to reference when you can’t remember how your routine was meant to go.
Success breeds success.
It can seem like choosing one small step to focus on for a few weeks isn’t going to do much, but you might be surprised. Small, easy changes are how big habits are built. Often when one part of our day has more structure, there is a ripple effect into the other areas of our life.
Read about how to create a nighttime routine in your bullet journal here.