Which notebook should you choose for your bullet journal? Well, that depends on what you like in a notebook. Here is a list of many of the notebooks that I’ve used or come across over the last few years. Most of them can be purchased on Amazon, with one exception that can only be purchased […]
How to Fix Mistakes in Your Bullet Journal
Mistakes will happen. I will say it again. Mistakes will happen. It’s simply inevitable. (If you really want to avoid mistakes and you have some extra time, I would suggest planning out your page with a pencil.) I’ve made plenty of mistakes while bullet journaling. Sometimes I’ve written the wrong date or the wrong day. […]
How to Make Straight Lines in Your Bullet Journal
When it comes to bullet journaling, you’ll find yourself drawing a lot of lines. When I first got started, my lines would sometimes travel or wobble at unexpected times. I remember wondering how I would ever learn to draw a perfectly neat straight line. With practice, I’ve gotten better, although my lines still aren’t perfectly […]
9 Tips to Help You Stick to Your Bullet Journal Long Term
I think something that deters people from starting something like bullet journaling is the worry that they won’t be able to stick with it. When we start something new, we can find ourselves thinking, “This looks great, but I’ll probably only do it for a week or two.” After those first two weeks, the novelty […]