Some Days You Aren’t Productive

Welcome to 2025. Take a moment to think about this past year. About what you accomplished. About the days you were on top of things. About the days that maybe you weren’t. Let’s focus on those days for a moment. Some days you just aren’t productive. Some days, you aren’t meant to be productive. Maybe...

What I Wish I knew Before Starting a Bullet Journal

As I embarked on my journey of learning to bullet journal and become more productive, I learned a couple of lessons. At the point of writing this, I have been bullet journaling for a little over three...

5 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Whether it’s about work, family, personal development, or other areas of our life, we all have things that we want to accomplish. Setting goals give us direction and propels us forward. But all...

3 Easy Steps to Planning Your Vacation

If you’re going on vacation this winter (or anytime ever), here is a straightforward method to planning your trip and getting all those details together. Itinerary First, let’s write down the...

Do You Have Fear of the First Page?

It’s really common to feel stuck when approached with something new. The blank notebook looks so pristine. The possibilities of messing up seem endless. Here are some things your brain might throw at...

5 Ways Planning Ahead Can Improve Your Life

What is the purpose of keeping a planner? Maybe it’s best to be flexible and spontaneous, right? Well, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. You can plan ahead and be flexible and...

Best Notebooks for Bullet Journaling

Which notebook should you choose for your bullet journal? Well, that depends on what you like in a notebook. Here is a list of many of the notebooks that I’ve used or come across over the last...

How to Fix Mistakes in Your Bullet Journal

Mistakes will happen. I will say it again. Mistakes will happen. It’s simply inevitable. (If you really want to avoid mistakes and you have some extra time, I would suggest planning out your...

How to Make Straight Lines in Your Bullet Journal

When it comes to bullet journaling, you’ll find yourself drawing a lot of lines. When I first got started, my lines would sometimes travel or wobble at unexpected times. I remember wondering how...

9 Tips to Help You Stick to Your Bullet Journal Long Term

I think something that deters people from starting something like bullet journaling is the worry that they won’t be able to stick with it. When we start something new, we can find ourselves...

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  2. access to a mini class: 5 Minute Bullet Journal Setup
  3. tips and tutorials on bullet journaling and productivity
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