Some Days You Aren’t Productive

Welcome to 2025. Take a moment to think about this past year. About what you accomplished. About the days you were on top of things. About the days that maybe you weren’t. Let’s focus on those days for a moment. Some days you just aren’t productive. Some days, you aren’t meant to be productive. Maybe...

Why Things Take Longer Than We Think

And What to Do About It Have you ever said, “Oh, I’ll just do this thing really quickly,” and then it took you a few more hours than you expected? Whether it’s at work, at home, or...

Why We Don’t Plan Ahead

And How to Do it Anyway Most of us get that planning ahead is helpful. We say things like, “I should probably make a list,” and “I should write that down,” but then we don’t. Why not? Why Don’t We...

39 Things Jewish Women Can Track in a Bullet Journal

Bullet Journaling is so perfect for frum women because we have a million things to keep track of, and the bullet journal system is flexible enough to handle all kinds of information. I think we don’t...

Do You Forget to Plan For This?

When it comes to planning big projects, there are some parts that can slip my mind and not make it on to my to-do list. Some of you may be in the same boat as me, so here is a list to help remind you...

How to Minimize Stress During the Yom Tov Season

Balancing family gatherings, personal responsibilities, cooking, cleaning, and trying to work on our spiritual growth all at once can be a daunting task. Let’s explore some practical tips to...

Prioritize Like a Pro: How to Choose Where to Start So You Don’t Get Stuck

Did you know? In his book Essentialism, Greg McKeown points out that the word “priority” was once only used in the singular form. It was during the industrial revolution that the word was pluralized...

The Benefits of Doing Things Halfway

Yes, you read that title right! Doing something halfway sounds like a bad thing. Shouldn’t we commit to completing a task? Be productive and efficient? After all, it feels so much more...

How Simple Routines Combat Overwhelm

Why is it that we get a feeling of relief after getting back onto a typical schedule following vacation? Even though we enjoyed the break, we all appreciate the steadiness and predictability of a...

How to Create a Nighttime Routine in Your Bullet Journal

Why Create a Nighttime Routine? In a life that’s full of hustling, we could all use a routine that helps us wind down in the evening. A nighttime routine can help you: What to Include in a...

Pesach Prep Quick Tips

Pesach is a really busy time, so let’s jump right in with the tips! Make a To-Do List for Each Category In your bullet journal, make a list of things to do for each of these categories: Feel...

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